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Ervaringen van clienten

‘Working together with Esther on the Psyflix Series DBT was a real joy. Her professionalism, experience, presentation and teaching skills really made this course come alive. I recommend working with Esther!’


Bram van der Boom, CEO Psyflix

Well designed course. Clear and calm.

A fine structure of short videos starting from the focus outward to the body and the breath.

As a fine professional Esther combines theory and practice to guide you to find the way that suits you the best to support your stability and joy in life.



Veldig fornøyd med hvordan dette kurset var lagt opp, - fra historisk perspektiv, bruk av caser, gjennomgang av øvelser, og å se på hvordan sette målsettinger, lage plan og bruke Smartmetoden,- ja,alt dette gjorde kurset til en flott «endringspakke». Redusere stress, bli mer tilstede og nedpå, og få til endring av vaner, - dette kan absolutt kursinnholdet og bevisstgjøring bidra til :-)


I have now had the pleasure of going through this new course by Psychiatrist Grootenboer. She has done a great job preparing these videos. She explains the history and principles of mindfulness and provides interesting exercises for its use. Being mindful can help anyone deal better with the challenges of life.  I highly recommend this course. 


Charles Stevens, 

Psychiatric nurse

Virtual Team Meeting

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